Have Some Fun With Holiday Recipes
The Holidays are well in swing. This year people have made many changes to keep our community safe. Holiday Parades have taken a break to give Drive-through light tours a chance to shine and Mall Santas have had to remain socially distanced. However, there are some traditions we’ve been able to keep to help us destress during this wild ride.
One of our founders, Sandy Garifo, has been continuing to bake. She and her neighborhood’s star baker Judy love to take long walks in the morning and discuss recipes. Then the pair of them bake up to 50 batches of cookies, muffins, and various treats to distribute to friends and family. For them, it's a way to give to others even if they can’t meet in person.
Some of these goodies ended up at The Heathers and we asked Sandy to share her recipe with us. Below is Sandy and Judy’s easy recipe for Pumpkin Apple Muffins. If you and your family try it out, let us know what you think on our Facebook page! And please feel free to share your own favorite holiday recipes.